Annette Rugolo

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Becoming Authentic

One of the patterns I developed while growing up was to accommodate the people around me.  Without consciously realizing it, I would change my behavior and who I was to please others in order to fit in and to be accepted.

Looking back at it now, I’m sure at some level, I thought this was normal behavior.  I had been doing it for so long, it was just who I was and didn’t even consider that it was something that I could change. That is until one day after attending an Inner Diamond class.  

In 2001, I started connecting with and integrating the colors of the Inner Diamond.  The Inner Diamond class connected me with 24 Quantum colors and I was excited to begin bringing more light into my energy field to help me see what was keeping me stuck in old patterns.

A few months after taking the class, I remember very clearly the color/light frequency I was connecting with when I had my ‘aha’ moment … it was the Ivory frequency of Transparency.  I had a very strong desire to be as transparent as possible and to release anything that was preventing me from being my authentic self.

After a few days of connecting and embodying the Ivory frequency, I had a revelation … if everyone I knew gathered in the same room, at the same time, who would I be?  I had spent so many years being a chameleon to please others, who would I be if they all showed up at the same time?

This ‘aha’ moment started me on a path of self-discovery.  Who was I at my most authentic self and why did I feel I needed to change who I was?  What from my childhood did I need to see and release in order to become whole and authentic?

Once I had this experience with the Ivory frequency, I was excited to see what else would be revealed when working with the light frequencies.  What else had become so ingrained in my daily life that was preventing me from becoming whole?  What was blocking my ability to step into living a full and expanded life?  

Without knowing it, we all create, inherit or develop patterns that prevent us from living our authentic self.  We create these patterns out of survival or a feeling of comfort or safety and a need to be seen and accepted in some way.  

The 24 Quantum Colors teach us how to consciously connect with the light of the Universe to help us see who we truly are beyond the patterns and programs that we have created.  Each unique frequency of light feels like a bit of sunshine that breaks through the clouds and reveals, transforms and supports us in living our most authentic life.