Annette Rugolo

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Attachments vs. Connections

Imagine waking up each morning with 100% of your vitality and energy. Vibrant light is pouring in through the top of your head and feeding your seven chakras and the cells of your body. This is the light of your higher self, your soul, and when you stay connected with this light, you feel vibrant and energized.

And then your morning begins. Perhaps when drinking your morning coffee, you read something that reminds you of something that you still regret from your past. As you are thinking about the experience, some of your vitality leaves and your light diminishes.

You then receive a text from one of your children that is having a tough time and it takes you into a place of guilt for not being a better parent, blaming yourself for their situation. As you go into the past and the guilt you are still carrying, your vitality is diminished even more.

These are considered attachments and we all have them. We carry physical, emotional, and mental attachments that sap our energy each and every day.

Sometimes, we are attached to places. I have known many who will not leave a place because of a strong attachment and they are not open to living anywhere else. People can also be attached to other people that they cannot let go of. An attachment can look like someone still emotionally attached to a partner or friend that has not been in their life for years.

Attachments can keep us stuck in the past and will prevent us from moving on with our lives.

The energy we lose each day does not always go to something that happened in the past, but perhaps we send it to something we are hoping for in the future. We spend so much time and energy on it, that we become attached to the outcome and cannot see any alternatives for our life if it doesn’t happen.

A good way of looking at attachments is to see if any, place, person or thing is keeping us stuck or holding us back from living a more expansive life.

So what is the difference between attachments and connections?

Simply stated, when you connect, you do not lose any of your energy or vitality. Freedom permeates the connection between two people, a place, or a job. Connections offer flexibility, elasticity and give. We are not attached to the outcome and are able to move on with our lives when something comes to an end.

How do you disconnect from attachments? The simplest way is to pay attention throughout

your day when sending your feelings or thoughts somewhere and see if it depletes you. If it does, visualize yourself ‘unplugging’ your energy and bring it back to yourself.

To exchange an attachment with a connection, connect with the light of your higher self/soul and send light to whatever attachment you have. Each time you do this, you are creating a stronger connection that overrides the attachment.